We arrived last winter, so this is our first experience of Autumn in Ohio. Let me share a few differences we have noticed. Firstly, it is called "the Fall" which makes perfect sense of course. Also Pumpkin season is here and they are everywhere!! Although not a fan of pumpkin soup, I do like a little pumpkin pie! :0) Another difference is the weather. Last weekend it was windy, cold and raining - not something we are unfamiliar with.
I got the duvets all out of storage and washed the blankets and put them away, We got the last air conditioning unit out of the window and stored in the garage. Then by about Thursday, I had to fold all the duvets and put them away again and get a few blankets out for us all it is getting hot again just like summer! The children are never sure weather they need winter or summer pyjamas. I have to watch the weather channel every morning before I get the kids their clothes as although the mornings can be really cold, the afternoon is often shorts and T-shirt weather. Another thing is the bugs that are trying to come into our house to hibernate for winter! Ladybugs (ladybirds) - but I believe they are called the Asian beetle lady bug. they like to swarm and are attracted to light coloured houses on the hillside - just like ours.
They are don't do any harm, they are just a pest and even with insect screens on the doors of windows - I have to keep the sun facing ones closed as they get through the nets. Good preparation for what's ahead! :0) The trees are of course beautiful and another highlight of "The Fall" is Coshocton County Fair. Unfortunately it was very wet for the first while so when the first dry day came on Tuesday - I took the kids out for the morning. Eight dollars each gets you into the fair for the day. Almost all the rides are free and there is plenty to see and do. We saw horses, sheep, cows, goats and llamas among others. There were tractors, pick up trucks, horse and harness racing, and lots of interesting new foods to try such as "elephants toes" (made from doughnut batter caked in cinnamon sugar and dipped in butter icing) There were also many prizes for the largest home grown fruit and vegetables as well as crafts and exhibitions. We were really glad to be able to experience it and are looking forward to next year.
Andy is really busy in the hanger at the moment. They are putting the final touches on the 207 plane as it gets ready for a test flight next week. This will be our last blog post from Ohio until November as we are flying back to Scotland this coming Wednesday until the 29th. Now that the birthday party is over I can focus on packing the suitcases and getting ready for catching up with our supporters, family and friends. I hope we can see as many of you as possible over the next few weeks. Please email me if you would like to recieve our newsletter and are not already doing so, and if you would like any more information about where we will be speaking during our visit - heatherswansonmaf@gmail.com .
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