Abi is growing up fast too and I am constantly battling with her for my place as "mum" when it comes to looking after Eilidh. She is very caring and is great at reading Eilidh stories which lets me get a few things done. Aunty Rosey and Uncle Kirk bought her some paints and a pad of paper so she is happily working through the pad of paper making pictures for everyone. We are gathering a pile ready for a jiffy bag to Andy unless anyone knows of someone going to Kampala? One of the KBC members was flying out to Kampala a few weeks ago and was able to take a goody bag for Andy. I dropped the bag off at her house the Monday and it was with Andy by the Thursday!
Eilidh has also had a rough month with high fevers and antibiotics also. She is much better now though and continues to smile her cheeky smile and get most things she has her eyes on. She now has her own pencil case after continually getting into her bigger siblings. She had a tub with crayons etc, but the novelty of a pencil case with a zip is a bigger hit. She is fast on her feet and makes a bee line for open doors and has a few hiding places where she runs when she has something she knows she shouldn't have. Under the dining table gives her a few precious moments where she can try and get a lid off a tub of cream or try someones glasses on before getting caught. She tries to copy her big sister's singing and the favourite is of course "Let it go" from Frozen which she can sing VERY loud - the tuning is great so that makes the volume much more bearable.
So where are we with plans for reuniting with Andy in Uganda? Tomorrow is the big day for finding out I hope! Matthew has his ENT (ear/nose/throat) appointment at Yorkhill and this will be the main deciding factor. If he needs to have grommets fitted then I am not sure what the time frame for this will be. His appointment is late afternoon and then we are heading up to Pitlochry that evening. I also have to pack, get my flat tyre assessed at a garage, make many phone calls, pick up two parcels at the post office and Eilidh is getting a Hep A shot tomorrow as well as Matthew's appointment. I have help at hand though, and my 12 year old neice is sleeping over tonight to play with the kids tomorrow morning. Between her and my mum we should be able to accomplish the tasks and stay calm in the process. Eilidh has missed her last Hep A due to being ill and there will be meningitis and typhoid shots coming up end of May so I need to take the appointment for her tomorrow.
So much to do but I just want to keep our amazing supporters informed. I am now able to report that we have a house in the pipeline AND it will be the Newnham's house who I stayed with last Sept/Oct. They are going to be moving out over the next month or so to a different house in Kampala and then Andy will be able to move in there hopefully followed by our shipment and then us! (That's my plan ;0) We are praising God that we will have a house soon but please pray for the Newnham's and their three children as this will be a big upheaval for them also. Could you also please pray for our Shipment? Andy is working without his tool chest and specialised tools and so he is longing for it's arrival. We last heard about three weeks ago that it was on the ship! I am hoping the ship has by now left the USA port. After watching the Tom Hanks movie "Captain Phillips" which was based on a true story about a container ship on it's way to Mombassa ( just like ours) which was hijacked by Somali pirates, it would be good to pray for a safe journey for the container and the crew :0)
I have been so touched by the many blessings I have received. Kirkintilloch Baptist Church surprised me with four large luggage holdalls! People have continued to support us in spite of the economy and the sacrifice to their personal finances. I am blessed to have invites to lunch or coffee or accommodation for a weekend, a car, reduced garage costs, and many other blessings - too many to name. God has given me a great net-work of family and neighbours who have been able to help out at short notice when needed. We could not do what we do without your support and prayers especially during this time of separation.
I would really encourage you to read a book called "Flying in Faith" by Laura Westley. She was a MAF pilot in Uganda, living in Kampala doing exactly what the current MAF pilots are doing. I happened to meet her on my trip over there last October. Being married to an engineer means that I don't always hear the stories that the pilots will be relaying to their families of all their amazing experiences. Reading her book was thrilling and inspiring and made me so excited to be part of the work of MAF. It puts Andy's job as an aircraft engineer into perspective as you clearly see through Westley's book how the MAF plane impacts communities. It also gave me a great insight to what living in Kampala was like four or five years ago. I am including the link to amazon if anyone wants to be inspired themselves.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Flying-Faith-Letters-Laura-Westley/dp/1780352530 (amazon.co.uk)
If you are in America and want to read it, it is also on Amazon.com but the link may not work.
I had better get this posted or it will soon be tomorrow and it will be out of date!
God bless
wow there Heather, great blog (worth the wait) to read insights into life with you and the children, and Andy too o'course! enjoy bonnie wee Scotland - go chase a haggis round a hill and eat a wee tattie scone for us!